Parents of incoming first-year and transfer students: The time is almost here!
Drexel's Welcome Week officially kicks off on Friday, September 9 with Move-In Day. Welcome Week will give all of our new Dragons the chance to become more familiar with campus, fellow classmates, and the city of Philadelphia before they dive into classes on Monday, September 19.
We know that you, too, will have some questions when you arrive. With that in mind, we invite you to attend sessions geared towards parents. These sessions will give you a chance to hear more about your student's transition to Drexel and the various resources available to students as Dragons. Check out the Welcome Week Schedule for a full list of sessions at
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Any Parents / Students from India ? I want to connect. Can Message me at drabhie at yahoo dot com
You do mean Friday, September 9th?
Hey, can someone tell me where I find the dates and activities planned for Parents weekend. I’ve being looking everywhere can’t find it.