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Welcome to the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life!

Posted almost 6 years ago  in Campus Life.

The Office of Spiritual and Religious Life, the Student Center for Diversity and Inclusion, and the Office of Campus Engagement collaborate with students and campus or community chaplains to cultivate a culture of mutual respect for the variety of faith traditions on campus. We encourage all students at Drexel University to take advantage of the spectrum of resources available both on and off campus to support their spiritual development and identity. Student Life strives to provide sacred, educational, and fellowship spaces, and to foster inclusive and interfaith experiences led by professional staff, and campus and community chaplains.

Currently, the majority of spiritual and religious institutional support is provided by Baptist Campus Ministry, Hillel at Drexel, Newman Catholic Campus Ministry, and Open Door Christian Community. For more information, contact the Student Center for Diversity and Inclusion.

Below are just a few of the ways we strive to support your student's spiritual identity:

For more information on religious accommodations for student and employees at Drexel, visit the Office of Equality and Diversity's Religious Accommodations page.

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