Hello. Could anyone please, please assist with the following. Any contact with Drexel higher authority or suggestion is greatly appreciated. The system portal where you go to waived default Drexel healthcare plan was recently upgraded. All her info did not carry over. She didn't use the link that was sent out to her because didn't trust link is legit, so she chooses to log in directly and securely entered her information there. She had waived the default Drexel health care on the old portal. She has been in touch with the health care office to get it fixed for over a week, but the office was not helpful. She is charged $1800, and she's stressed out as she doesn't have the funds for it. She commutes to school for she can save the funds to pay her tuition. Having this on her bill, she is unable to register for her class. She even offered to pay the late waived fee, but they flat out refused. This doesn't seem right what Drexel health office is doing every year. She told them that she waived 3 years prior with no issue but this year due to the change in the system, her info didn't carry over from the old system. She was very proactive and had not missed the deadline in previous years. I believed she should not be charged nor stressed out like this. I saw posts of quite a few students in similar circumstances of previous years, they were able to get it correct. My email address is committo@yahoo.com if anyone needs to reach me. Thanks.